Big Whiskey's Donates $5000


June 20, 2016

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Springfield MO-- Big Whiskey’s American Restaurant & Bar has, for 10 years, supported a number of local charitable causes. For the last 3 years, the company has raised funds for Ambassadors for Childrens but this year was special.

During the month of May, all 5 Big Whiskey’s locations held contests and special events as well as individual employees who committed their time & effort with the result being an incredible donation of $5000.

Ambassadors for Children is a cause-related subsidiary of the Council of Churches of the Ozarks that is a foster parent recruitment agency serving Greene, Christian and Taney Counties. “We’re so humbled by the generosity of the good people at Big Whiskey’s”, said Denee Fay, agency director. “They not only greatly exceeded our expectations with this donation but it was all they did to help raise awareness of our cause.”

Anna Wilcox of Big Whiskey’s was equally proud of her staff and management’s commitment to the fund drive. “Last year we raised $1600 for Ambassadors for Children so we’re pretty excited to have increased our donation by this much,” she explained.

Big Whiskey’s Ozark restaurant raised the most money of the five stores and staffers Laria Tittor and Tritton Barnes were tops in individual donation commitments. “We have a strong sense of community here at Big Whiskey’s and this particular group is near and dear to our hearts,” said Paul Sundy, Big Whiskey’s Senior Vice President of Operations.

Fay explained that the donation would go a long way in helping local foster families supplement the limited income they receive from the state to care for children in their home. “Our foster parents will be able to do so much more for their kids with the help from Big Whiskey’s—we’re truly blessed with this donation.”